Restore Your Core

teachers directory

Larissa Parson

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Specialist , Certified RYC® Pro Teacher, BRM Level 1 Certified, Yoga For All Certified Instructor, Burrell Education Advanced Pregnancy Wellness Practitioner Level 2, FutureWriting Facilitator in training

Hillsborough North Carolina, USA

Hi friends! I'm Larissa Parson. I'm known in the Restore Your Core® community for my grounded, mindful movement & relaxation sequences. But my not-so-secret superpowers are x-ray vision and contagious enthusiasm for the delights and challenges of being in a body. I'm a vocal advocate for fat acceptance and body liberation. I came to Restore Your Core after training as a Nutritious Movement Certified Restorative Exercise Specialist and had the great joy of being in the first U.S. cohort of RYC® teachers. I've been teaching Restore Your Core classes, workshops, and more since 2018. Since then, I've dug more deeply into all kinds of other stuff, including using writing as a form of working on the mindset patterns that often are as important to rehab as the physical patterns; I'm also a nerd about stuff like the nervous system and systemic oppression. What I love most about RYC® is how the method centers on developing a sense of body literacy, which is much more empowering than being scared into moving only one way. The magic of RYC® is you. Restore Your Core is a method I return to over and over for my own body, and I love drawing on it together with my other modalities as a way of helping my clients get more deeply connected to their bodies in a way that feels safe, doable, and opens up the possibility of more ease and joy in their lives.


  • RYC® Class Series
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