Restore Your Core

teachers directory

Bea Forizs

Bea Fórizs

Movement and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Specialist, Bea Fórizs, Certified RYC® Teacher, Certified Physiotherapist, Sensory Motor Integration Movement Therapist, Contact Improvisation Practitioner, Contact-juggling Performer

Budapest Hungary, Europe

I have been experimenting, playing and exploring movement for more than 15 years, since I’d been dancing CI. After I gave birth to my first child I felt devastated, because I could not dance, lift my partners, do acrobatic movements, not even walk at a higher speed without leaking and having lower back pain. I knew I need to find an alternative solution than surgery because I wanted to do contact improvisation again. I knew I needed a responsive, reflexive body, not just a flat belly and strong core.RYC®️ was my last trial and first hope. It has changed my life, showed me my path, gave me tools and guidance for my mission. I love my hobby as a dancer, performer and job, as a movement trainer, specialized in diastasis recti. My mission is to make a fusion and combination of therapeutic exercises and explorative, playful dance/free improvised movements. My work is reflecting the trace of my experiences of CI, Body-Mind Centering, Feldenkrais method, yoga and Tai-chi, authentic movement, biodynamic craniosacral therapy. I love to share my knowledge in a creative way to support hungarian mothers to reconnect to their body, and discover the power of their core, as a source of power, self trust and creativity. Those who work with me find my teaching approach unique, refreshing, easy to follow and challenging in a positive way.


  • Private One on One RYC® classes